Аналогичные CNX62A

  • CNX62A
    • 6V; 60mA non-base lead optically coupled isolator phototransistor output
  • CNX62A
    • Non-base lead optically coupled isolator phototransistor output for DC motor controllers, industrial systems controllers and signal transmission between systems of different potentials and impedances applications

CNX62A Datasheet и спецификация

Производитель : Isocom 

Упаковка : Dual-in-line 

Pins : 6 

Темп. диапазон : Минимум -55 °C | Макс 100 °C

Размер : 0 KB

Заявка : 6V; 60mA non-base lead optically coupled isolator phototransistor output 

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