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Свежий Westcode Datasheet PDF

Name componentЗаявка
MG300M1UK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 300A
MG100H2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 600V, 100A
MG200Q1UK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 200A
MG50Q2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 50A
MG75Q2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 75A
MG200M1UK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 200A
MG50M2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 50A
MG15N2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1100V, 15A
MG150Q2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 150A
MG50N2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1100V, 50A
MG30G2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 600V, 30A
MG100Q2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 100A
MG75G2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 600V, 75A
MG100M2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 100A
MG25M2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 25A
MG50G2YL1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 600V, 50A
MG75M2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 75A
MG300Q1UK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1200V, 300A
MG150M2YK1 NPN transistor for high power switching and notor control applications, 1000V, 150A

Westcode Профиль

Power: Thyristors (SCR/Fast Switching) Diodes (Rectifier/Fast Recovery) IGBT's GTO Thyristors Pulse Thyristors Assemblies, Power Modules Capacitors and Fuses

Westcode SemiconductorsИнформация Каталог