Путь:okDatasheet > Полупроводниковые Datasheet > Usha Datasheet > Usha-7

70/08 2SA954 PBH56/16 T85/12 DS1104/29 PBD45/06 DCR915/12 T125/06 D40/12 BD243C T250/12 BU508D T300/06 D25/16 D570/40 D6/04 D70/04 BD244B DS912/48 PBD90/10 DS1104/29 PBD45/06 DCR915/12 D40/12 T125/06 BD244B PBD90/10 DS912/48

Usha Информация Каталог-7

Name componentПроизводительЗаявка
T250/08 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 800V, Vrsm = 900V.
DCR1277/32 UshaThyristor. Vrrm = 3200V, Vrsm = 3300V. D.C. motors control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives.
D70/08 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 800V, Vrsm = 900V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes. Non-controllable and half controlled rectifiers.
2SA954 UshaAudio frequency amplifier. Collector-base voltage Vcbo = -80V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = -80V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = -5V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 600mW.
PBH56/16 UshaMoulded module assembly(thyristor-diode module). Vrrm = 1600V, Vrsm = 1700V. DC motor control, temperature control, professional light dimming.
T85/12 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
DS1104/29 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and haft controlled rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes & welding. Vrrm = 2900V, Vrsm = 3000V.
PBD45/06 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
DCR915/12 UshaThyristor(fast switching). Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V. High power invertors and choppers, railway traction, UPS, induction heating, AC motor drives and cyclconvertors.
T125/06 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V.
D40/12 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and half controlled rectifiers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
BD243C UshaNPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W
T250/12 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
BU508D UshaNPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in large screen color deflection circuits. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 8Adc, PD = 125W.
T300/06 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V.
D25/16 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and half controlleed rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes. Vrrm = 1600V, Vrsm = 1700V.
D570/40 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 4000V, Vrsm = 4100V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes. Non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes.
D6/04 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 400V, Vrsm = 500V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes. Non-controllable and half controlled rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes.
D70/04 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 400V, Vrsm = 500V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes. Non-controllable and half controlled rectifiers.
BD244B UshaPNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W.
DS912/48 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes, welding & traction. Vrrm = 4800V, Vrsm = 4900V.
PBD90/10 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 1000V, Vrsm = 1100V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
DS1104/29 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and haft controlled rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes & welding. Vrrm = 2900V, Vrsm = 3000V.
PBD45/06 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
DCR915/12 UshaThyristor(fast switching). Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V. High power invertors and choppers, railway traction, UPS, induction heating, AC motor drives and cyclconvertors.
D40/12 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and half controlled rectifiers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
T125/06 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V.
BD244B UshaPNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W.
PBD90/10 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 1000V, Vrsm = 1100V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
DS912/48 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes, welding & traction. Vrrm = 4800V, Vrsm = 4900V.

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