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Свежий Syntek Datasheet PDF

Name componentЗаявка
STK88C4831 2.5-3.5 V, voice controller
STK85C161 2.5-3.5 V, LCD controller
STK88C4050 2.5-5.5 V, voice controller
GSM798E 7 V, segment/common driver for dot matrix LCD
AD9884A/PCB 3.3 V, analog flat panel interface
STK88C2441 2.5-5.5 V, voice controller
STK55C1500 2.5-4.5 V, LCD controller
STK6005 3.3 V, flat panel scaner
DC1100 2.5 V, USB 2.0 video camera controller
STK55C324 2.5-5.5 V, LCD controller
GSM7980 2.7-5.5 V, dot matrix liquit crystal display controller and driver LCI
GSM793E 7 V, 80 CH segment driver for dot matrix LCD
STK55C2081 2.5-6.5 V, LCD controller
STK55C1042 2.5-6.5 V, LCD controller
STK55C643 2.5-4.0 V, LCD controller
STK55C643 2.5-4.0 V, LCD controller
AD9884AKS-100 3.3 V, 100 MSPS analog flat panel interface
STK55C321 2.5-4.0 V, LCD controller
STK86C1051 "3 V, ROM-embedded playback processor"

Syntek Профиль

Syntek Semiconductor Ltd. is a leading provider of highly integrated silicon solutions for applications in the growing consumer electronics and multimedia markets. With two decades of expertise in digital and analog IC design as well as system software and total system solutions, Syntek has developed a diverse product portfolio.

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