Путь:okDatasheet > Полупроводниковые Datasheet > Ricoh Datasheet > Ricoh-293

5AA-TZ RN5VS55CC RH5RL24AA-T1 R1221N32AA-TR RH5RH382B-T1 R3112N22A-TR RH5RI253B-T2

Ricoh Информация Каталог-293

Name componentПроизводительЗаявка
R1223N222E-TL RicohPWM/VFM step-down DC/DC converter with low supply current by CMOS. Output voltage 2.2V. Oscillator frequency 300kHz. Reset-type protection. Taping specification TL
RE5RL25AA-TZ RicohVoltage regulator. Output voltage 2.5V. Taping type TZ.
RN5VS55CC RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 5.5V. Output type CMOS. Antistatic bag for samples
RH5RL24AA-T1 RicohVoltage regulator. Output voltage 2.4V. Taping type T1
R1221N32AA-TR RicohStep-down DC/DC converter with voltage detector. Output voltage (Vout) 3.2V. Detector threshold (-Vdet) 3.0V. Oscillator frequency 300kHz
RH5RH382B-T1 RicohPWM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 3.8V. External Tr. driver (oscillator frequency 100kHz). Taping type T1
R3112N22A-TR RicohLow voltage detector with output delay. Output voltage 2.2V. Output type Nch open drain. Standard taping type TR.
RH5RI253B-T2 RicohVFM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 2.5V. Internal Tr./External Tr. (selectively available)(oscillator frequency 100kHz, with chip enable function) Taping type T2

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