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Ключевое слово: Boca Semiconductor Datasheet, Boca Semiconductor Data sheet, Boca Semiconductor Datasheets, Boca Semiconductor Corporation
Путь:OKDatasheet > Полупроводниковые Datasheet > Boca Semiconductor Datasheet
Ключевое слово: Boca Semiconductor Datasheet, Boca Semiconductor Data sheet, Boca Semiconductor Datasheets, Boca Semiconductor Corporation
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Boca Semiconductor официальный сайт
Name component | Заявка |
D44C7 | 60 V, complementary NPN silicon power transistor |
MC78L15ACD | 15 V, Fixed voltage regulator |
2N3585 | 300V complementary NPN silicon power transistor |
2N5679 | 100 V, PNP selicon high voltage transistor |
2N6668 | 80 V, darlington PNP silicon power transistor |
2N6040 | 60 V, darlington complementary PNP selicon power transistor |
2N3478 | 120V NPN silicon planar transistor |
1N5340B | 6 V, 5 Watt surmetic 40 silicon zener diode |
MC79L05AZ | 5 V, 3-terminal 0.1A negative voltage regulator |
2N4870 | Silicon unijunction transistor |
D45H7 | 60 V, complementary PNP silicon power transistor |
1N5379B | 110 V, 5 Watt surmetic 40 silicon zener diode |
MC78L24AZ | 24 V, Fixed voltage regulator |
2N2906A | PNP silicon planar switching transistor |
1N5387B | 190 V, 5 Watt surmetic 40 silicon zener diode |
D44H8 | 60 V, complementary NPN silicon power transistor |
2N6438 | 120 V, PNP silicon power transistor |
2N5060 | 30 V, silicon controlled rectifier |
2N2222A | NPN silicon planar switching transistor |
2N6290 | 60 V, epitaxial-base NPN selicon versawatt transistor |
D44C1 | 30 V, complementary NPN silicon power transistor |
1N5351B | 14 V, 5 Watt surmetic 40 silicon zener diode |
2N5682 | 120 V, NPN selicon high voltage transistor |
TIP107 | 100 V, PNP plastic power transistor |
D45H4 | 45 V, complementary PNP silicon power transistor |
TIP29 | 40 V, NPN plastic power transistor |
2N3005 | 30 V, silicon controlled rectifier |
BD242A | 60 V, complementary PNP silicon power transistor |
Boca Semiconductor Corp., a leading global supplier of Discrete Semiconductor Products, specializes in discontinued and end of life products. Our product strengths are: Automotive Rectifiers Bridge Rectifiers Fast Recovery Rectifiers High Efficiency Rectifiers Rectifiers Schottky Rectifiers SCR's Small Signal Schottky Diodes Small Signal SwitchingDiodes Standard Recovery Rectifiers Super Fast Recovery Rectifiers Transient Voltage Suppressors Transistors Unijunctions Zener Diodes