Путь:okDatasheet > Полупроводниковые Datasheet > ADI Datasheet > ADI-182

AD7112CN AD8674AR ADXL250AQC ADM488AN AD9200JRSRL SMP04ES AD524AR-16 AD8182AR-REEL AD8114 REF02DP AD53042 ADSP-2185NBCA-320 AD2S93AP ADG429BN AD7543 AD7703CN AD532SH/883B ADM3222ARU ADM3202 AD574A ADM3222AN ADM695AN DAC8222FS AD8052ARM ADMCF327-EVALKIT AD7890 AD7721AN AD827JR

ADI Информация Каталог-182

Name componentПроизводительЗаявка
AD834 ADI500 MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier
AD8051ART-REEL ADI12.6V; low cost, high speed, rail-to-rail amplifier. For coax cable driver, active filter, video switches, video switches, A/D driver
AD7112CN ADI-0.3 to +7V; LC2MOS LOGDAC dual logarythmic D/A converter. For audio attenuators, sonar systems, function generators and digitally controlled AGC system
AD8674AR ADI36V; precision very low noise low input bias current operational amplifier. For PLL filters, instrumnetation, sensors and controls, professional quality audio
ADXL250AQC ADIAcceleration 2000g; low noise, low power single/dual axis accelerometer
ADM488AN ADI7V; 700-800mW; full-duplex, low power slew rate limited, EIA RS-485 transceiver. For low power RS-485 systems, DTE-DCE interface, packet switching, local area network
AD9200JRSRL ADIComplete 10-bit, 20MSPS, 80mW; CMOS A/D converter
SMP04ES ADI0.3-17V; 20mA; CMOS quad sample-and-hold amplifier. For signal processing systems, multichannel data acquisition systems, automatic test equipment
AD524AR-16 ADI18V; 450mW; precision instrumentation amplifier
AD8182AR-REEL ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.6W; 750MHz, 3.8mA 10ns switching multiplexer. For pixel switching for picture-in-picture
AD8114 ADILow Cost 225 MHz 16 x 16 Crosspoint Switch, G=+1
REF02DP ADI30-40V; precision voltage reference/temperature transducer
AD53042 ADICOMPARATOR An ultrahigh speed window comparator with latch. Provides high DC accuracy without sacraficing input voltage range
ADSP-2185NBCA-320 ADI0.3-2.2V; instruction rate 80MHz; DSP microcomputer
AD2S93AP ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; low cost LVDT-to-digital converter. For industrial gauging, industrial process control, linear positioning systems, linear actuator control
ADG429BN ADI44V; 30-100mA; LC2MOS latchable 4-/8-channel high performance analog multiplexer. For automatic test equipment, data acquisition systems
AD7543 ADI12-Bit, Multiplying Iout, SERIAL
AD7703CN ADI-0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 20-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition
AD532SH/883B ADI10-22V; internally trimmed integrated circuit multiplier for multipication, division, squaring, square rooting
ADM3222ARU ADILow power, 3.3V; 450-500mW; RS-232 line driver/receiver. For general purpose RS-232 data link, portable instruments and printers
ADM3202 ADIHigh-Speed, 2-Channel RS232/V.28 Interface Devices
AD574A ADIComplete 12-Bit A/D Converter
ADM3222AN ADILow power, 3.3V; 450-500mW; RS-232 line driver/receiver. For general purpose RS-232 data link, portable instruments and printers
ADM695AN ADI0.3-6V; 400-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
DAC8222FS ADI0-17V; 12-bit double-bufferd multiplying CMOS D/A converter. For robotics/process control/automation, automatic test equipment
AD8052ARM ADI12.6V; low cost, high speed, rail-to-rail amplifier. For coax cable driver, active filter, video switches, video switches, A/D driver
ADMCF327-EVALKIT ADI0.3-7V; 28-lead flash memory DSP switched reluctance motor controller
AD7890 ADITrue Bipolar Input, Single Supply, 8-Channel, 12-Bit Serial, Data Acquisition System
AD7721AN ADI0.3-7V; 10mA; CMOS 16-bit, 468.75KHz, sigma-delta ADC
AD827JR ADI18V; 1.5W; high-speed, low-powered Op Amp

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